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  3. Stainless Steel Perforated Plate Basket Filter

Stainless Steel Perforated Plate Basket Filter

Type: Stainless Steel Perforated Plate Basket Filter
Media: Stainless Steel
OD: 160mm
Length: 340mm
Custom made: yes

Stainless Steel Perforated Plate Basket Filter is suitable for coarse filtration or with low contamination. The dirt collects in the basket-like screen insert and can be easily removed during cleaning. But the filter element can also be adapted for the finest metallic chips: If desired, magnets can be installed in the screen basket filter.

Type Stainless Steel Perforated Plate Basket Filter
OD 160mm
Length 340mm
Media Stainless Steel
Features and Benefits:


The Stainless Steel Perforated Plate Basket Filter is easy to remove impurities after filtration. The power plant basket filter core will not cause secondary pollution system, and can be repeatedly used for cleaning and cost saving. Ultrasonic welding process is made of single or multi-layer metal mesh. The weld seam is even and firm. The filtration precision is absolute. The product has high concentricity, high pressure and good straightness. It is made of stainless steel without any burrs and guarantees the service life. .


    The Stainless Steel Perforated Plate Basket Filter is widely used in coarse filtration in large flow liquid pipelines, suitable for petrochemical, oilfield pipeline filtration; fueling equipment, engineering machinery equipment fuel filtration, water treatment industry equipment filtration, pharmaceutical and food processing.

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