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  3. High efficiency Separator Filter Element

High efficiency Separator Filter Element

Custom made Yes
Length: 1227mm
Outer diameter: 307mm
Core: Stainless steel
End Caps: Stainless steel


High Efficiency Separator Filter Element can discharge acid gas in time to reduce corrosion and wear of machine parts. the mixed exhaust gas is completely recovered, reducing air pollution and improving the economic efficiency of the engine.


Product High efficiency Separator Filter Element
Custom made Yes
Out Diameter 307mm
Length 1227mm
Micron 10
Max Temperature 80℃


Petroleum refining
Oil / water separation at production process streams and shipment points for gasoline, kerosene,
Petrochemicals and Fine chemicals
Oil / water separation at production process streams for ethylene, styrene, benzene, other
Parts cleaning facilities
Separation of oil from aqueous solutions and rinse water for cleaning of automotive, precision,
electronic, and other parts and components.
Separation of water from lubrication oil.


High efficiency: discharge acid gas in time to reduce corrosion and wear of machine parts. the mixed exhaust gas is completely recovered, reducing air pollution and improving the economic efficiency of the engine.
Convenient installation: the oil and gas separator filter element 612630060138 is easy to install without modification. after installation, the oil has good lubricity and can be used for a long time.



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